There will be a Rosslyn reunion at Lancaster Mennonite High School (LMHS) in Lancaster PA over the July 2 - July 4, 2004 weekend.
- Rosslyn Alumni Golf Tournament (Fri.)
- "Music Class" and alumni choir led by John Miller
- Soccer and Basketball Games
- Talent Show
- Kenyan Music
- Lots of pictures and memories
- Entire yearbook display
- Rosslyn Shirts for sale
- Airport Shuttles from Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and DC
- Other Activities in the works
Cost (if you are staying at LMHS) is $25.
It is being organized by Amanda (Bolden) Scholte, Dan King, and Mrs John And Helen Miller. Contact Dan King for further info.
Please Send Me info and date on upcoming Rosslyn Reunion events and I will post them here.