Rosslyn Academy is a school situated in the highlands of Nairobi, Kenya. Rosslyn was established in 1949, and has been serving the missionary community, diplomats, and nationals since it was founded. This page has been designed for Rosslyn Alumni to keep in touch with each other. You can also find the latest information about what is happening at Rosslyn.
You can also get in touch with Rosslyn by writing at:
Kenya Address:Rosslyn Academy
P.O. Box 14146, Westlands
Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa U.S. Alumni Office Address:
1785 Pleasant Stream Rd.
Trout Run, PA 17771
Phone - 570-995-9248, Fax - 570-995-5142
There is also an Alumni mailing list at Just send an email with subscribe alumni
in the body. (Or just click the link. It should set up an email for you.)
Thanks to MKnet for the web space!
Please e-mail me with any suggestions or comments: